Automotive Display Solutions
Digital displays are the key-elements inside the vehicle. it brings immense convenience for drivers by giving real-time demonstrations, wide-rangeinformation and controlling infotainment system from various shortcuts. It is also essential for in-vehicle entertainment experience of the passengers. Starting over from scratch, we define and realize our customer needs and offer them valuable solutions with our UI/UX, mechanical, hardware, and software professionals. The remarkable aspect of Vestel's in-car display solution is the utilization of all display technologies, To provide the best possible user experience for both drivers and passengers, the solution offers an enhanced screen experience, combining in-car entertainment and information screens within the same cockpit. Moreover, we understand the importance of meeting individual expectations. Therefore, our in-car display solutions can be tailored with different application and software options, ensuring a personalized experience. With connectivity features, users can even remotely operate their home's air conditioner, locate the nearest electric charging station, and enjoy their favorite TV shows on the passenger screen while the driver seamlessly follows the navigation on another screen.